Monday, 8 April 2019

Sequoyah High School suicide: Body found in Sequoyah high school

Sequoyah High School suicide: A body found in Sequoyah high school has sparked Sequoyah high school suicide worries.
Sequoyah High School suicide lailasnews
Someone was found dead at Sequoyah high school, according to reports online.

What happened at Sequoyah HighSchool?

The body of a deceased adult was found on Sequoyah High School campus before school this morning. Police are investigating; death appears to be self-inflicted.
However, worried parents are asking on social media: What happened at Sequoyah East? Why is there police activity? Keep parents informed please.
A very concerned parent wrote this on Facebook:
As a parent, we hope that when we send our students to school they will be safe from all of the craziness in the world. The schools take safety very seriously and do what they can but unfortunately some things are unavoidable.
Please say a prayer for all of those affected by the events at Sequoyah this am as well as for the student that arrived at school and had to report it.
More posts from worried users on Twitter:
a dead body????? at sequoyah????
so they found a body at sequoyah this morning? i’m spooked
Wow 😧 someone was really found dead at Sequoyah high school

Sequoyah School News

We will keep you updated as we get more news about this tragedy, suspected suicide at Sequoyah High School.

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Sequoyah High School suicide: Body found in Sequoyah high school
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