Beyoncé has released the supplementary album for Disney's much-anticipated remake of The Lion King. The 14-track project, titled The Lion King: The Gift, was announced earlier this month along with the release of its first single "Spirit." About a week after, the singer-songwriter unveiled the album's full tracklist, which boasts contributions from mega-stars like JAY-Z, Childish Gambino, and Pharrell, as well as a number of African artists like Wizkid, Shatta Wale, Yemi Alade, Burna Boy and Mr. Eazi. Beyoncé spoke about her intentions behind The Gift, which she executive produced, during a recent interview with Good Morning America."This soundtrack is a love letter to Africa. I wanted to make sure we found the best talent from Africa and not just use some of the sounds and do my interpretation of it. I wanted it to be authentic to what is beautiful about the music in Africa" she said.Listen to the album on Spotify below... The post Beyonce officially drops 'The Gift Album' featuring Jay Z, Blue Ivy and several African superstars appeared first on Linda Ikeji Blog.
Beyonce officially drops 'The Gift Album' featuring Jay Z, Blue Ivy and several African superstars
Ukpe Thompson