British pop star, Alesha Dixon, who is expecting her second child later this year with her Nigerian husband Azuka Ononye, has put her growing baby bump on display. The 40-year-old took to her Instagram to share these cute photos of herself posing under a tree as she displayed the blossoming baby bump, while covering up in a nude two-piece with a floral pattern. She captioned the post: 'I have a lot to smile about lately! No makeup, no filters, just me and baby @azukaononye.'Alesha and her husband Azuka are also proud parents of five-year-old daughter, Azura. The post Pregnant Alesha Dixon who is expecting her second child with Nigerian husband Azuka Ononye shows off her baby bump (Photos) appeared first on Linda Ikeji Blog.
Pregnant Alesha Dixon who is expecting her second child with Nigerian husband Azuka Ononye shows off her baby bump (Photos)
Ukpe Thompson