Saturday 10 August 2019

American man who lives as an adult baby sets the record straight in exclusive interview with LIB (exclusive photos)

An American man who went viral weeks ago, after it emerged that he lives his life as an adult baby, spoke to LIB to clear the air and give an insight into his life. The man, whose name was given as David, told Linda Ikeji's Blog that "the story used a fake name" and his real name is Sean Russell Miller. Sean is a YouTuber with over 20K subscribers. But he isn't your regular YouTube personality. Sean has an addiction which caused him to lose his former job at a preschool. The 24-year-old told LIB that while working at a preschool in the US, he became addicted to stealing diapers for his personal use.  "I worked at a preschool and sometimes I steal diapers for my own personal use and it's kind of addicting," he said, adding: "I was fired due to my addiction and lifestyle. I stole diapers and other baby things to satisfy my baby addiction." Sean's addiction means he spends all day in diapers, sometimes dresses like a baby, and uses a pacifier.  But he countered the report that he acts like a baby all the time. He said he functions like a normal adult and has a job like every other person. He only acts like a child for about an hour or two each day. He said: "The story falsely said I act like a baby 24/7. That's a lie. I have a job and I only do baby things about an hour or two a day. I don't eat baby food and most of the time I function as a normal person. I do, however, wear diapers 24/7." Sean blames his addiction on his experience growing up. He was abandoned by his parents when he was 5 and he spent 13 years in foster care. He says living without his parents "were a huge factor" in his addiction. He said: "Because I grew up in a foster home, I never got a childhood." But he says he's perfectly fine living the way he does and doesn't think he needs therapy. He added that he "would love to live at home 24/7 and just be a baby".  His lifestyle as an adult baby diaper lover (ABDL) isn't a conventional one and this means people regard him with suspicion. "People think I'm a pedo or sexualizing kids and that's absolutely false," he explained, adding: "people are usually grossed out or very concerned." Sean is out to correct the impression people have about him and others who live like him. He said: "I would like people to stop thinking there is something wrong with the lifestyle and treat me normally." He says there are benefits to his lifestyle. According to him, living in diapers all day means he never has to run to the bathroom in the middle of a movie or during a concert because he can simply handle his business wherever he is. He said: "I don't have to run to the bathroom anytime. I don't lose seats at concerts or miss any parts of movies."  Sean, isn't particularly interested in a grand future, neither does he seem to want much out of life. He says the future he looks forward to is one where he can sit home all day and just be a baby.  The post American man who lives as an adult baby sets the record straight in exclusive interview with LIB (exclusive photos) appeared first on Linda Ikeji Blog.

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American man who lives as an adult baby sets the record straight in exclusive interview with LIB (exclusive photos)
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30 November 2020 at 14:06 delete

There are lots of adults living full time as adult babies in America I do and I live in Michigan
